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** We have moved to Navigating Adult ADHD: **
EFT Tapping for Adults with ADHD
This video is a demonstration to support Navigating Adult ADHD Podcast episode #59 ADHD & using EFT Tapping to feel better (The Emotional Freedom technique).
1. Identify the issue
2. Rate the intensity on a 1-10 scale
3. Set up statement (The common setup phrase is: “Even though I have this [fear or problem], I accept myself.”)
4. TAP in sequence below
5. Take a deep breath & again rate the intensity on a scale of 1-10 9
1. Side of hand
2. Eyebrows begins- between the hair
3. Side of the eye (on bone)
4. Under the eye (on bone)
5. Under nose
6. Chin crease
7. Collarbone where a mans bowtie would lie
8. Under arm - hand width from arm pit
9. Top of head
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